Sir Stafford Nye’s journey home from Malaya to London takes an unexpected twist in the passenger lounge at Frankfurt – a young woman confides in him that someone is trying to kill her. Yet their paths are to cross again and again – and each time the mystery woman is introduced as a different person. Equally at home in any guise in any society she draws Sir Stafford into a game of political intrigue more dangerous than he could possibly imagine. In an arena where no-one can be sure of anyone, Nye must do battle with a well-armed, well-financed, well-trained – and invisible – enemy.
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Postán maradó ajánlott levél: +685 ft
MPL csomagautomatába: +890 ft
MPL csomag házhoz: +1630 ft
Foxpost automatába: +800 ft
Listaáras automatákba +1000 ft